Course Location
Course Details Summary
Course Type
Start Date
February 24, 2025
Course Pace
CDA Assessment Type(s)
Infant-Toddler, Preschool
End Date
July 28, 2025
Day of Week
Course Times
About this Course
For students who want to enroll in Child Development Associate (CDA) preparatory coursework. Candidates who complete this course will have the knowledge they need for the CDA Assessment, as well as 120 clock hours completed. Successful students of the course will then proceed to do their CDA Assessment and Observation before receiving their CDA Credential.
This course is instructed online and a link to the course will be sent after registration is complete. It is instructed at an accelerated pace (less than 30 weeks) which means students should expect to handle a greater workload in a shorter than normal time. It is instructed in a self-paced manner, however the instructor will provide structure to the course content and may organize occasional meetings with students to provide explain course content, ask about student progress, and answer any questions.
Course Policies
Refer to the CDA Course Policies page for all specific requirements for before, during, and after the course.
How to Enroll
The link below will take you to the ECE PDO's form for CDA courses. This form is NOT to sign up for this particular course. It is to determine your eligibility to be able to take the course in general. You will select this course after the ECE PDO determines you are eligible.
Create your account on their website by clicking "Register" and enter your information.
Make sure to select "Child Care Professional Network" on the question that asks for your IHE/PLO partner. You may not be able to take any of our courses if you don't select this option.
When the PDO informs us that you're eligible we'll send you the enrollment form. Once you complete that you will officially be enrolled for your course.
The ECE PDO eligibility form is not made by CCPN, so if you have questions about the form please direct those questions to
There will be a $100 refundable deposit due when you enroll, it can be paid online. This deposit is able to be returned to you if you complete the course and upload your CDA credential to the PD Registry. The full details of how the deposit works will be on the enrollment form.
Enrollment for classes ends about 2 weeks before the first class date (or when the class fills up, whichever comes first). We would love to make sure there's a spot for you in our course! So if you are interested in a course that is coming up soon, make sure to begin the enrollment process ASAP.
If all spots in a course are filled before you're able to be enrolled we may need to enroll you in a course starting later. CCPN plans to enroll for multiple courses throughout the winter of 2025. We can work with you about all available courses.